Thursday 20 May 2021

COVID care Fundamental Right



Weekly e news paper

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.02.....Issue.19................12/05/2021



COVID  care Fundamental  Right – Supreme Court of India


Terming the right to health as a fundamental right which includes affordable treatment, the Supreme Court on Friday said it is the duty of the state to make provisions for affordable treatment during this unprecedented pandemic.

“It is a world war against Covid-19. Therefore, there shall be a government-public partnership,” a bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said while adding, “It cannot be disputed that for whatever reasons the treatment has become costlier, it is not affordable to the common people at all.”

“Even if one survives from Covid, many a time, financially and economically he is finished. Therefore, either more provisions are to be made by the state government and local administration or there shall be a cap on the fees charged by private hospitals,” the bench said in its 17-page order.

The court also asked all states and Union Territories to set up committees to conduct monthly fire safety audit of hospitals, including the ones treating Covid patients. The court said every state must appoint a nodal officer responsible for ensuring adherence to fire safety norms in hospitals.

Every state must act vigilantly and work with the Centre harmoniously. It is time to rise to the occasion. Safety and health of the citizens must be the first priority rather than any other considerations,” the order reads.

The court also directed the authorities to conduct more testing and to declare correct facts and figures. 

“One must be transparent in number of testing and in declaring the facts and figures of the persons who are Covid positive. Otherwise people will be misled.” 




Rights  in  COVID times


Indian government needs to urgently address healthcare shortages amid the world’s fastest-growing Covid-19 crisis and ensure that vulnerable communities have equitable access to treatment. The government to end curbs on free speech and to respect human rights in its pandemic response.


Following widespread criticism of its handling of the pandemic, with shortages in oxygen supplies and hospital care costing lives, the Indian government ordered nearly 100 social media posts to be taken down, saying they spread fake information. Most of the content targeted, however, had angrily criticized the government’s response to the crisis. Uttar Pradesh state’s chief minister has denied oxygen shortages and warned that charges would be brought under the draconian National Security Act against anyone, including healthcare workers, spreading “rumors” on social media to “spoil the atmosphere.”


“The Indian government should be focusing only in its efforts on responding to people desperately in need of help and dying for lack of medical care. Instead, what we find is a prickly reaction to legitimate criticism of its handling of the crisis, including by trying to censor social media.”


India’s new Covid-19 infections broke the global record, with over 320,000 cases recorded on April 27, 2021, plus nearly 2,800 deaths, bringing the total to more than 17 million cases since the pandemic began in 2020. The death toll is believed to be undercounted, and crematoriums and burial grounds are overrun. Several hospitals have called for emergency supplies as oxygen stocks fell short.


Social media in India are flooded with calls for help from families and hospitals running low on supplies. The authorities are scrambling to bolster a health infrastructure that is crumbling under the rising flood of cases. Community groups have also stepped up to support people who are struggling due to acute shortages in medicines, oxygen, ventilators, hospital beds, ambulances, and cremation and burial services.


A rights-respecting response to Covid-19 should ensure that accurate and up-to-date information about the virus, access to services, service disruptions, and other aspects of the response to the outbreak is readily available and accessible to all. The government’s censoring of free speech will ultimately limit effective communication about the pandemic and undermine trust in government actions.


Healthcare experts have criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government for failing to invest in the country’s weak health infrastructure since the pandemic began. Although the authorities have advocated using masks and other public health practices, they conveyed contradictory messages by claiming that they have beaten the virus while allowing and participating in large-scale gatherings, including election campaign rallies. The government promoted a Hindu religious event in which millions of people participated.


Courts have repeatedly criticized the government for its failure to adequately address the pandemic. “You had all of last year to plan and take a decision,” said Sanjib Banerjee, the chief justice of the Madras High Court. “If it had been done, we would not be in this situation... We were lulled into a false sense of security only to be hit by this tsunami of infection now.”


Under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which India has ratified, everyone has the right to “the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.” The right to health provides that governments must take effective steps to ensure that health facilities, goods, and services are available in sufficient quantity, accessible to everyone without discrimination, and affordable for all, including marginalized groups.


The government should immediately take steps to remove bottlenecks in supply chains of essential medical goods and services, and to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen, life-saving medicines, ventilators, and testing kits.



Because of the domestic crisis, the Indian government has temporarily suspended exports of vaccines produced in India. The United States is allocating to India raw materials critical for vaccine production so that Indian manufacturers can address the shortage of vaccines in India and elsewhere. However, the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Australia, and others should also end their opposition to India and South Africa’s proposal at the World Trade Organization’s TRIPS Council. The October 2020 proposal would temporarily waive certain intellectual property rules on Covid-19-related vaccines, therapeutics, and other medical products to facilitate increased manufacturing to make them available and affordable globally.


The Indian government has ignored calls from the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights for governments to release “every person detained without sufficient legal basis, including political prisoners, and those detained for critical, dissenting views” to prevent the growing rates of infection everywhere, including in closed facilities, such as prisons and detention centers. Instead, the BJP-led government has increasingly brought politically motivated cases against human rights defenders, journalists, peaceful protesters, and other critics, and jailed them under draconian sedition and counterterrorism laws, even during the pandemic.


The Indian government should take immediate steps to release all those jailed on politically motivated charges for peaceful dissent and consider reducing prison populations through appropriate supervision or early release of low-risk category of detainees. Detained individuals at high risk of suffering serious effects from the virus, such as older people, people with disabilities or with underlying health conditions, should also be considered for similar release.


“The Indian government should put people above politics and ensure that everyone gets the medical care they need.  The administration has called for citizens and international governments to help, but it cannot shirk its own responsibility to protect each and every life.”


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Tuesday 4 May 2021

Corporate Domination



Weekly e news paper

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.02.....Issue.18................05/05/2021







Corporate  Domination  of Agriculture

-         By  Bharath Dogra


Keeping in view the increasing concerns worldwide to check increasing corporate control over farming and food systems, there is a need to look more carefully at various forms of this increasing corporatization and consider carefully various ways and means of resisting this.

Firstly there is the increasing trend of land grab. This can be more clearly seen in the purchase and long-tem lease of land in Africa by companies, individuals or even governments of foreign countries. In just five countries during 2004-09 this amounted to 2.5 million hectares. But within various countries also corporate entities and rich individuals have been moving in quickly to grab at low rates the land of distressed small farmers who are facing increasing problems. Governments in many  countries have been handing over large tracts of land to corporate interests at very concessional rates for plantations or even crop cultivation, and they have been making changes in their laws to facilitate this. Some Indian states too have been changing land ceiling and other laws to facilitate this.

There should be  widespread national and world-level campaigns against all kinds of future land grab and for cancelling the most unjust ones. Land in the hands of actual cultivators must be emphasized,  while ownership of big tracts of land by outsider entities should be opposed.

On the other hand several big companies are not interested in accessing land directly, as they feel that an easier way of ensuring access to farm produce needed by them is through contract farming. The provisions of several contracts enable the companies to keep pushing their expensive inputs also on the farmers so that they benefit from both ends of getting reliable supply of exactly the kind of crop needed by them ( for example the barley variety grown for making beer may be different from the variety needed for nutritious food )at a reasonable price, retaining the authority of also rejecting a part of this crop on quality grounds, while at the same time earning also from imposing expensive seeds, inputs and technologies on farmers.

The reality of contract farming should be publicized among farmers , exploitative practices should be exposed and where it is clear that farmers are suffering a lot then there should be a campaign for ending contract farming on this pattern. The system of free cultivation by farmers should be protected.

Another form of gaining corporate domination is through excessive control  of food processing. This should be resisted and in particular the domination of one or very few big corporate entities should be resisted. More and more food processing should be taken up at village level by cooperatives and groups of farmers, particularly women.

Another form of increasing corporate control is through various international  trade and financial organizations as well as trade treaties and other agreements. This should be resisted. In particular the rules of World Trade Organization should be changed in such a way that the interests of farmers are protected and unfair and unjust domination of corporate sector is avoided.  The trend to link  farming and food related restrictions to trade, including intellectual property rights in trade and imposing intellectual property rights in the context of even plants and life-forms should be reversed entirely. Trade should not be twisted and changed in such ways as to threaten  the farming and food sovereignty of communities and protection of basic food and sustainable livelihood rights. There should be a worldwide strong campaign for achieving this.

Domination of food trade and food stocks by corporate interests should be resisted, as well as manipulation of food stocks/ hoarding and food prices by them. There should be strong laws to prevent this as well as monitoring of the national and international food stocks and prices to check all such trends which can lead to the domination of the profit objective in the food sector, leading to more hunger.

There should be strong resistance to the tendency of increasing concentration of seeds along with other important inputs in the hands of a few big multinational companies. In particular the concentration in the case of seeds should be avoided and there should be a complete ban on GM seeds and crops. At the same time grassroots efforts to protect biodiversity and to save, protect, revive and share diversity of traditional seeds should be encouraged in a very big and effective way.

Corporate domination has been helped greatly by securing scientific support in various unethical and unjust ways and by misusing crucial infrastructure like research institutes, agricultural universities and gene banks. Research efforts should be decentralized and there should be a mutual cooperation  of publicly supported scientists and experienced farmers to make available  self-reliant, low cost, very low external input, ecologically friendly, sustainable technologies which incorporate plenty of local traditional wisdom as well. There should be strong efforts for exposing and opposing unethical use of science to advance big business interests.

Corporate control in various forms seeks to break the self-reliance of farming communities which should be resisted. This process started in India in a big way about 55 years back with the agricultural green revolution and then its extension to various related activities. This led to rapidly increasing costs, loss of traditional seeds and wisdom, as well as colossal ecological ruin. Efforts should also be made by farming communities to regain the self-reliance we lost then. This is worth considering at a time when the opposition of farmers to new laws aimed at increasing corporatization of farming and food system in India is gathering strength.



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,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA     Cell : 91 8970318202

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Western Aid Myth



Weekly e news paper

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.02.....Issue.17................28/04/2021






Western Aid  Myth

-        By Syed Ehthisham


 The West seeks to preserve present relations, which enable it to make immense profits by exploiting natural and manpower resources of the whole world. It also molds socioeconomic development of neo-colonial states to the purpose, by adopting development models, which will be based on foreign capital for finance, technology and know-how. There is good reason behind the billions of easy credit.

When colonized states won independence, capitalism lost some spheres of influence, commodity markets and source of raw materials. Independent states started taking a stand in economic spheres, tried to curb foreign capital in circulation and in production sphere and nationalized property.

But even after independence, they remained dependent upon capitalist economy and foreign monopoly capital leading to neo-colonialist imposition of political, economic, military and ideological relations and exploitation.

The idea of internal accumulation of sources and development of state sector initially gained favor in Less Developed Countries-LDCs. But due to lack of development, they needed external resources for modern industrial technology and raising the level of consumption.

Over accumulation of capital in capitalist countries requires international lending.

Debt grows exponentially and is an effective instrument of control (lending agencies ‘sold’ the unpaid loans which they had given to African countries to predators, who strong armed the countries to hand over natural resources at the rate of pennies to a dollar). (1).
Terms of loan and its use should be in line with the country’s development strategy and not for unsustainable projects thrust upon weak, stupid and corrupt rulers.

From the capitalist point of view, aid is an instrument of expansion of political/economic goals to help their monopolies to penetrate L.D.Cs (2). If public policy could be prosecuted for misleading advertising, the label foreign aid would be an obvious case for the courts. Aid used properly could increase assets, consumer goods, science and technology. So aid is a two pronged lever on which two antagonistic forces, progressive and regressive, are bearing down.

In fact, LDCs should be compensated for the damage inflicted by colonization.

Western agencies claim that L.D.C’s can solve their social problems with aid, without any progressive transformation in society and without reconstruction of aid system. That is obviously not correct.

Analysis of the instruments of aid, and its orientation and influence on economy of the recipient:

Aid as capital export:

State and state guaranteed private capital, patent licenses of know how, brain drain, migration of labor, struggle among capitalist countries and groups of countries, constitute new international socio-economic relations.

From 1950’s, all L.D.C’s joined the ranks of creditor countries. Export of capital is one of the most essential features of capitalism, though its form and mechanism have changed with time. Material conditions of reproduction are ensured by help from monopolies to market their products and obtain raw material (outsourcing gives additional advantage of cheap labor, control over ruling class and increases profits). Social base of capitalist relations in the countries ensures continued dependence by urging adoption of non-regulated private enterprise.

Most aid is low interest or interest free, but it serves as infra-structure and is necessary for purchase of the means of production and labor power. Profit is obtained by Multinational Corporations (M.N.C’s) and conditions are created for their expansion and lead to suppression of development of industrial base in the recipient country in order to curb competition.

Food subsidies help export of agricultural business; technical assistance favors further export, increases labor productivity and indirectly suppresses the working class movement in both donor and recipient countries. They get access to unorganized labor which is cheaper and easier to control.

Investment is from non-productive-state taxes. Only a little comes from corporate taxes.

In colonial times international movement of capital and foreign trade were the main instruments of capitalist reproduction. With decolonization, it became a bit more difficult. Now the state uses aid to stimulate export and assets are protected by armed force, subversion, indirect violence and war, division of labor and unprofitable expenditure by the government.

Easy credit covers budget deficit, so the aid goes straight into monopolies. The debtor country can be coerced to pass legislation to encourage investment (Iraq directly, Asian crisis countries, indirectly), as well as ensure markets for shipping and consultants. Spare parts are bought from monopolies and handed over as aid. It perpetuates unequal position in division of labor. L.D.C’s export raw material, import equipment, know how and experience. Development of backward socio-economic structure, school, health, infra-structure, welfare and labor productivity is not considered.

In the past, imperialism was not interested in developing capitalist relations in colonies fearing competition with the local bourgeoisie. They now develop a stratum of entrepreneur, which control the assets and resources there; crony capitalism-dependent comprador brand.

It is important for imperialist states to ensure a guaranteed supply of raw material especially oil.

L.D.C’s, in an effort to strive for rapid economic development, take large loans, and technical aid, but end up enhancing their dependence. Aid amounts to a small percentage of the budget of developed countries (DCs). “OECD …official assistance is directed to countries…with normal market incentives which…can be expected to respond “(3).
Credit to L.D.C’s stimulates only those branches of LDC economy which supply goods to DC’s. Reactionaries want it tied to monopolies and direct subordination to its military goals. Liberals would like aid directed to welfare in their own countries. America spent more on potted plants ($ 5 billion) than on aid” (4).

Aid is tied to buy goods or services from D.C ‘s and or use it for specific purpose. Technical aid is tied to resources used to pay for specialists, who can not be hired from other countries. Experts instinctively recommend machinery from own countries.

Tying aid is to channel own exports; $ 1 million in aid, creates $ 760,000 worth of goods, besides salaries of consultants and technical imports. Together with increased exports plus interest on past loans, US actually runs up a balance of payment surplus. It also helps to export non-competitive products. Aid officials exhort recipients to spend funds in the USA. In 1976, only $ 25 million out of 760 million of aid was spent outside the USA. For example, the U.S gives $ 1.4 billion per year to Egypt, most of which is spent in buying U.S arms. The British do the same. (4a).
Some aid is tied to actual products which help industries at home in donor countries. When recipient countries defer payment, further aid goes to repayment of past loans. Germans are the same (5). French are a little better, but compensate for it by more dependency of former colonies; aid covers the deficit trade with France.

Economic impact of tied aid:

Dean Rusk, addressing foreign relations committee hearings, “Aid is the business of exporting US goods and services, not US dollars”. Same goes for other western countries. (6).

Construction and running of projects entails import of spare parts and specialists from the USA. The funds can not be used to buy spare parts elsewhere . Aid Administrator William Gaud 1975, “Lists are made of commodities…relatively less competitive…unlikely to export in any great value” (7).

Clarence Long Congress subcommittee of foreign relations committee on apportionment, “Lot of business firms… can’t sell it in this country at the price they want…sell it abroad at American tax payer expense (8).  Elite types made vast sums of money out of foreign aid. It has…enriched the will to do it” US rulers pursue unabashed protectionism…to sell products at higher than market prices. PL 480 food aid would not be given, if it will not lead to increase of commercial food export to the recipient. In 1977, Egypt was due to pay out $ 1,600 million in debt service, still US and Europe increased its quota of obligatory wheat import from 2.2 to 2.6 million tons (9).

For projects for which L.DC’s do not have the money to buy equipment and machinery, they have to go to capitalists who get a market with out competition and lot of jobs to which L.D.Cs cannot hire their own people. Donors choose designs to increase import component and cut back local material and manpower.

Creditors offer assistance for projects which suit their own industry, often not what the recipients need.

Limit on freedom to choose supplies results in monopoly price hikes. Transportation costs for the USA are higher than in Europe. Tunisia had to pay $ 17/ton for freight from USA (adding 10-13 %  C.I.F price. Aid is tied to increased interest (actual) to cover commercial rate by overpricing of up to 30%). (10).

In 1965, Tunisia got 85 buses under U.S.AID at 30% above European rate. There was design fault in the buses. Spare parts cost 30 to 50 % more than the European one would. There was a long delay in spare parts; seller paid less attention as buyer was bound by contract. (10 a).

Foreign Resources:

Usefulness of the loan depends on the ratio of long term low interest loan (15 to 20 years at 3-5%) and short term (3-5 years) high interest at 17%.

Capital export ties in accumulation of international lending to L.D.C’s to make them dependent on capital accumulation in D.C’s. It ensures unconditional priority of private resources. Dean Acheson, “It would be contrary to our policy to place government funds in competition with private funds” (11).

Aid to Africa:

In 1980, Africa received $ 3,132 million worth of multilateral aid. Capitalist aim is to bolster regimes which keep them dependent, reproduce capitalist economic system and offer funds to uphold elites who maintain archaic social systems. L.D.C’s are divided into spheres of influence. Secretary of state Al Haig, “The new administration has redirected to specific and vitally important objectives” (12).

Africa magazine, “US state department lists 60 primary materials…to keep US economy functioning…imported from Africa” (13).

Uncompetitive industries like steel get support through foreign aid (14).

Under PL 664, 50% aid was delivered by US vessels. US government financed aid along the following channels; 16.4 % steel, 25% fertilizer, 15.7% rail road, 8.5% textiles. Steven Weizman, “Aid also used to subsidize farm products” (15)

“One $ into W.B generates $ 10 in contracts for the US companies” (16).

Aid helped Britain save 54,000 jobs (17).

Among OPEC countries, Saudi Arabia is the biggest exporter of capital; in 1982 it was $ 4482.00 millions. Western powers use foreign exchange reserves of OPEC to fit them into credit financial system of capitalism. (17 a).

There is an Evil Triad- West technology, OPEC money and funds on market terms.

Most economic aid takes the form of project aid. In 1982, 53.1% of the aid helped giving countries expand their commodity exports.

Aid missions follow every stage of the project and put pressure on local government to accept programs according to the former’s wishes.

Borrower’s creditworthiness is determined from the point of view of donors.

Commercial profitability is the most important consideration.

Food and Agriculture aid:

In many African countries, the policy is to give precedence to production for sale to food for consumption, a carry over from colonial times to meet the needs of metropolis “(Sisal, coffee, cocoa, cotton, tobacco, and wheat, not maize though). Import is suggested for local consumption. Food aid is always small and leads to hunger, rural-urban divide, rapid urbanization, Capitalist agrarian protectionism, which produce all the machinery. (18).

LDC population growth is much faster (Pak, India, BD started with 400 million in 1941, 70 years later it stands at 1620 million). They are always falling behind as they do not have the means and the will for birth control. (18 a).

Rural emigrants to cities can’t find jobs and that leads to social conflict. Capitalists suffer from the crisis of overproduction (19). In a world of hunger, US can apply its agricultural capacity as a lever to promote policies beneficial to this nation. US PL 480 brought an acute agricultural crisis; world prices went down. (19 a). Assistance to agricultural development is related to the need for market of industrial farms.

Technical assistance accounts for most of the funds to L.D.C’s, specialists, advisers and their families, salaries; all expense comes from aid funds. Foreign private capital remains hostile to training LDC technical cadres.

Debt Problem:
LDC debt increases along with outflow of resources. The theory offered is that in 60-70 years internal accumulation in L.D.C’s will be such that they will be able to pay the external debt. (19 b). It ignores the importance of foreign markets. Rudolph Peterson “Debt…pressing problem, endangered imports…investment and development. (20).


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Monday 19 April 2021

PRESS Silenced



Weekly e news paper

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.02.....Issue.16.................21/04/2021




Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi ,

Editor , Dalit  Online  & Deccan Inquirer,

# LIG 2 , No 761, HUDCO  First Stage,

Laxmikantanagar , Hebbal ,

Mysuru – 570017.



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           Journalists  are those  who collect , analyze ,  report  & publish  news.    As per law  in India, Journalists are not granted any special rights or privileges and are on par with the  Citizens of India. Every citizen of India has the right to question the government , public servants about their public duties.  Journalists & citizens have the same , equal rights & responsibilities as per law.  Paradox is  those questioning citizens are made fun of & silenced by authorities.

           As per law in India , Digital News Papers are  not registered. Since years our publication is  not registered  and even press accreditation is denied to us ( at the behest of powers that be / mafia ? ) , whereas even those  journalists  covering  cookery , lottery  , movies are given press accreditation.  Press Accreditation is  an administrative convenience mechanism  by authorities  giving access to journalists.  If a Journalist or Citizen  does not have press accreditation  that does not entitle authorities to deny him access to information , news. Sadly , authorities are doing that which is against law.

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It is the duty of Supreme Court of India to Protect , Guard the constitutional rights , fundamental rights of every Indian citizen . Since 25 years  I am  appealing  to SCI  about  issues concerning public welfare , national security , etc and as a result suffering injustices , my constitutional rights , human rights are repeatedly violated  but SCI is mum even when repeated appeals were made to it. Paradoxically , after these appeals for justice , I have suffered more injustices , attempts on my life were made ,  physically assaulted , livelihood  / jobs were  denied , news publication closed , press accreditation denied ,  received threatening  calls , blank calls, even to date  rough elements follow us , rough elements  scout  near home at mid night. Does  not these indicate some ties between rough elements & SCI  Judges ?


Public Interest Litigation is an appeal  for justice  to the courts , to redress  the injustices meted out to  the public.  Individual cases of injustices  pertaining to an individual are not covered under PIL, however  an individual an activist  who  is fighting for public causes  suffering  injustices  as a result of   his struggle  ,caused by powers that be to silence him  can club  his individual case under the public causes  (PIL ) he is  appealing.


Nowadays people of questionable character , integrity  are being selected to public posts , end result is present day india.  In the following web sites I have shown  few actual cases of crimes by judges & police , just imagine what type of justice common man gets.

Traitors  in   Indian  Judiciary & Police

Crimes  by  Khaki  ,

 Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?

Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?

I ,NAGARAJA.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits , rich crooks , criminals even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective. 

   Powers that  be , higher ups have referred all my previous cases to police although in most of the cases  police don’t  have jurisdiction over it.  It  sends  a subtle message by police force to  the  complainant  to keep silent . In the remaining cases  which are under their jurisdiction police  don’t act against higher ups , high & mighty. In such cases police lack  practical powers , their hands are tied although they  are  honest.  As a end result , police  have repeatedly called   me to police station  number of  times  ( have never called guilty  influential persons even once)  took  statement  from  me and closed  the files.  Hereby , I do make it clear  the statements made by me  in my original petitions , PILs , news papers  , etc  while I was in  a free & fair atmosphere  are  TRUE  , over rides , prevails over all the statements made by me before police  earlier and  which will be made by me  in future before police.

If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members - In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional functionaries. 


date :  18.04.2021…………………………..Your's sincerely,

place : India…………………………………...Nagaraja.M.R. 



                                                   DECLARATION 2




Name : ...........................NAGARAJA.M.R.

Address : ...................LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE ,




Web News  Paper  Title : Deccan Inquirer

Periodicity : WEEKLY


Donations : NOT ACCEPTED. Self financing . Never accepted any donations , subscriptions either for ourselves or on behalf of other organizations / individuals .

Monetary gains : nil , never made any monetary gain by way of advertisements on my websites or web news paper or otherwise.

Owner/editor/printer/publisher : NAGARAJA.M.R.

Nationality : INDIAN

Body Donation : Physical Body of Nagaraja M R ,   is donated to JSS Medical College , Mysore             ( Donation No. 167 dated 22 / 10 / 2003 ) , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my body must be handed over to JSS Medical College , Mysore for the study purposes of medical students.

Eye Donation : Both EYES of Nagaraja M R ,   are donated to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my eyes must be handed over to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore WITHIN 6 Hours for immediate eye transplantation to the needy.


Home page :   


Contact  :   ,   

UID Aadhaar No : 5703 5339 3479 
Cell : 91 8970318202

It is the duty of Supreme Court of India to Protect , Guard the constitutional rights , fundamental rights of every Indian citizen . Since 25 years  I am  appealing  to SCI  about  issues concerning public welfare , national security , etc and as a result suffering injustices , my constitutional rights , human rights are repeatedly violated  but SCI is mum even when repeated appeals were made to it. Paradoxically , after these appeals for justice , I have suffered more injustices , attempts on my life were made ,  physically assaulted , livelihood  / jobs were  denied , news publication closed , press accreditation denied ,  received threatening  calls , blank calls, even to date  rough elements follow us , rough elements  scout  near home at mid night. Does  not these indicate some ties between rough elements & SCI  Judges ?


Public Interest Litigation is an appeal  for justice  to the courts , to redress  the injustices meted out to  the public.  Individual cases of injustices  pertaining to an individual are not covered under PIL, however  an individual an activist  who  is fighting for public causes  suffering  injustices  as a result of   his struggle  ,caused by powers that be to silence him  can club  his individual case under the public causes  (PIL ) he is  appealing.


Nowadays people of questionable character , integrity  are being selected to public posts , end result is present day india.  In the following web sites I have shown  few actual cases of crimes by judges & police , just imagine what type of justice common man gets.

Traitors  in   Indian  Judiciary & Police

Crimes  by  Khaki  ,

Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?

Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?

I ,NAGARAJA.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits , rich crooks , criminals even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.

Powers that  be , higher ups have referred all my previous cases to police although in most of the cases  police don’t  have jurisdiction over it.  It  sends  a subtle message by police force to  the  complainant  to keep silent . In the remaining cases  which are under their jurisdiction police  don’t act against higher ups , high & mighty. In such cases police lack  practical powers , their hands are tied although they  are  honest.  As a end result , police  have repeatedly called   me to police station  number of  times  ( have never called guilty  influential persons even once)  took  statement  from  me and closed  the files.


Hereby , I do make it clear  the statements made by me  in my original petitions , PILs , news papers  , etc  while I was in  a free & fair atmosphere  are  TRUE  , over rides , prevails over all the statements made by me before police  earlier and  which will be made by me  in future before police.


If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members – In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional functionaries.


date :  18.04.2021…………………………..Your’s sincerely,

place : India……………………………………Nagaraja.M.R.









 Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761,


,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA     Cell : 91 8970318202

  WhatsApp  91  8970318202


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Bad Medicine

    DECCAN  INQUIRER Weekly e news paper Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.02.....Issue.45.................10/11/2021     IN THE SUPREME COURT OF I...